Many Spark challenges relate to configuration, including the number of executors to assign, memory usage (at the driver level, and per executor), and what kind of hardware/machine instances to use. You make configuration choices per job, and also for the overall cluster in which jobs run, and these are interdependent – so things get complicated, fast. Some challenges occur at the job level; these challenges are shared right across the data team. 

They include: ==> Challenge 

1. How many executors should each job use? 

One of the key advantages of Spark is parallelization – you run your job’s code against different data partitions in parallel workstreams, as in the diagram below. The number of workstreams that run at once is the number of executors, times the number of cores per executor. So how many executors should your job use, and how many cores per executor – that is, how many workstreams do you want running at once?

A Spark job using three cores to parallelize output. Up to three tasks run simultaneously, and seven tasks are completed in a fixed period of time. You want high usage of cores, high usage of memory per core, and data partitioning appropriate to the job. (Usually, partitioning on the field or fields you’re querying on.) Beginner guide for Hadoop suggests two-three cores per executor, but not more than five; the expert guide to Spark tuning on AWS suggests that you use three executors per node, with five cores per executor, as your starting point for all jobs. You are likely to have your own sensible starting point for your onpremises or cloud platform, the servers or instances available, and experience your team has had with similar workloads. Once your job runs successfully a few times, you can either leave it alone, or optimize it. We recommend that you optimize it, because optimization: • Helps you save resources and money (not over-allocating) • Helps prevent crashes, because you right-size the resources (not under-allocating) • Helps you fix crashes fast, because allocations are roughly correct, and because you understand the job better 


How much memory should I allocate for each job? 

Memory allocation is per executor, and the most you can allocate is the total available in the node. If you’re in the cloud, this is governed by your instance type; on-premises, by your physical server or virtual machine. Some memory is needed for your cluster manager and system resources (16GB may be a typical amount), and the rest is available for jobs. If you have three executors in a 128GB cluster, and 16GB is taken up by the cluster, that leaves 37GB per executor. However, a few GB will be required for executor overhead; the remainder is your per-executor memory. You will want to partition your data so it can be processed efficiently in the available memory. This is just a starting point, however. You may need to be using a different instance type, or a different number of executors, to make the most efficient use of your node’s resources against the job you’re running. As with the number of executors, optimizing your job will help you know whether you are over- or under-allocating memory, reduce the likelihood of crashes, and get you ready for troubleshooting when the need arises. ==>Challenge 3. How do I find and eliminate data skew? Data skew and small files are complementary problems. Data skew tends to describe large files – where one key value, or a few, have a large share of the total data associated with them. This can force Spark, as it’s processing the data, to move data around in the cluster, which can slow down your task, cause low utilization of CPU capacity, and cause out-of-memory errors which abort your job. Small files are partly the other end of data skew – a share of partitions will tend to be small. And Spark, since it is a parallel processing system, may generate many small files from parallel processes. Also, some processes you use, such as file compression, may cause a large number of small files to appear, causing inefficiencies. You may need to reduce parallelism (undercutting one of the advantages of Spark), repartition (an expensive operation you should minimize), or start adjusting your parameters, your data, or both. Both data skew and small files incur a meta-problem that’s common across Spark – when a job slows down or crashes, how do you know what the problem was? We will mention this again, but it can be particularly difficult to know this for data-related problems, as an otherwise well-constructed job can have seemingly random slowdowns or halts, caused by hard-to-predict and hard-to-detect inconsistencies across different data sets. ==>Challenge 4. How do I make my pipelines work better? Spark pipelines are made up of dataframes, connected by transformers (which calculate new data from existing data), and Estimators. Pipelines are widely used for all sorts of processing, including extract, transform, and load (ETL) jobs and machine learning. Spark makes it easy to combine jobs into pipelines, but it does not make it easy to monitor and manage jobs at the pipeline level. So it’s easy for monitoring, managing, and optimizing pipelines to appear as an exponentially more difficult version of optimizing individual Spark jobs. Existing Transformers create new Dataframes, with an Estimator producing the final model. Many pipeline components are “tried and trusted” individually, and are thereby less likely to cause problems than new components you create yourself. However, interactions between pipeline steps can cause novel problems. Just as job issues roll up to the cluster level, they also roll up to the pipeline level. Pipelines are increasingly the unit of work for DataOps, but it takes truly deep knowledge of your jobs and your cluster(s) for you to work effectively at the pipeline level. Challenge 5. How do I know if a specific job is optimized? Neither Spark nor, for that matter, SQL are designed for ease of optimization. Spark comes with a monitoring and management interface, Spark UI, which can help. But Spark UI can be challenging to use, especially for the types of comparisons – over time, across jobs, and across a large, busy cluster – that you need to really optimize a job. And there is no “SQL UI” that specifically tells you how to optimize your SQL queries. There are some general rules. For instance, a “bad” – inefficient – join can take hours. But it’s very hard to find where your app is spending its time, let alone whether a specific SQL command is taking a long time, and whether it can indeed be optimized. When data sizes grow large enough, and processing gets complex enough, you have to help it along if you want your resource usage, costs, and runtimes to stay on the acceptable side. Other challenges come up at the cluster level, or even at the stack level, as you decide what jobs to run on what clusters. These problems tend to be the remit of operations people and data engineers. They include: ==> Challenge 6. How do I size my nodes, and match them to the right servers/instance types? A Spark node – a physical server or a cloud instance – will have an allocation of CPUs and physical memory. (The whole point of Spark is to run things in actual memory, so this is crucial.) You have to fit your executors and memory allocations into nodes that are carefully matched to existing resources, on-premises or in the cloud. (You can allocate more or fewer Spark cores than there are available CPUs, but matching them makes things more predictable, uses resources better, and may make troubleshooting easier.) On-premises, poor matching between nodes, physical servers, executors and memory results in inefficiencies, but these may not be very visible; as long as the total physical resource is sufficient for the jobs running, there’s no obvious problem. However, issues like this can cause datacenters to be very poorly utilized, meaning there’s big overspending going on – it’s just not noticed. (Ironically, the impending prospect of cloud migration may cause an organization to freeze on-prem spending, shining a spotlight on costs and efficiency.) In the cloud, “pay as you go” pricing shines a different type of spotlight on efficient use of resources – inefficiency shows up in each month’s bill. You need to match nodes, cloud instances, and job CPU and memory allocations very closely indeed, or incur what might amount to massive overspending. You still have big problems here. In the cloud, with costs both visible and variable, cost allocation is a big issue. It’s hard to know who’s spending what, let alone what the business results that go with each unit of spending are. But tuning workloads against server resources and/or instances is the first step in gaining control of your spending, across all your data estates. ==> Challenge 7. How do I see what’s going on across the Spark stack and apps? “Spark is notoriously difficult to tune and maintain,” Clusters need to be “expertly managed” to perform well, or all the good characteristics of Spark can come crashing down in a heap of frustration and high costs. (In people’s time and in business losses, as well as direct, hard dollar costs.) Key Spark advantages include accessibility to a wide range of users and the ability to run in memory. But the most popular tool for Spark monitoring and management, Spark UI, doesn’t really help much at the cluster level. You can’t, for instance, easily tell which jobs consume the most resources over time. So it’s hard to know where to focus your optimization efforts. And Spark UI doesn’t support more advanced functionality – such as comparing the current job run to previous runs, issuing warnings, or making recommendations, for example. Logs on cloud clusters are lost when a cluster is terminated, so problems that occur in short-running clusters can be that much harder to debug. More generally, managing log files is itself a big data management and data accessibility issue, making debugging and governance harder. This occurs in both on-premises and cloud environments. And, when workloads are moved to the cloud, you no longer have a fixed-cost data estate, nor the “tribal knowledge” accrued from years of running a gradually changing set of workloads on-premises. Instead, you have new technologies and pay-as-you-go billing. So cluster-level management, hard as it is, becomes critical. ==> Challenge 8. Is my data partitioned correctly for my SQL queries? Operators can get quite upset, and rightly so, over “bad” or “rogue” queries that can cost way more, in resources or cost, than they need to. One colleague describes a team he worked on that went through more than $100,000 of cloud costs in a weekend of crash-testing a new application – a discovery made after the fact. (But before the job was put into production, where it would have really run up some bills.) SQL is not designed to tell you how much a query is likely to cost, and more elegant-looking SQL queries (ie, fewer statements) may well be more expensive. The same is true of all kinds of code you have running. So you have to do some or all of three things: •Learn something about SQL, and about coding languages you use, especially how they work at runtime •Understand how to optimize your code and partition your data for good price/performance •Experiment with your app to understand where the resource use/cost “hot spots” are, and reduce them where possible ==> Challenge 9. When do I take advantage of auto-scaling? The ability to auto-scale – to assign resources to a job just while it’s running, or to increase resources smoothly to meet processing peaks – is one of the most enticing features of the cloud. It’s also one of the most dangerous; there is no practical limit to how much you can spend. You need some form of guardrails, and some form of alerting, to remove the risk of truly gigantic bills. The need for auto-scaling might, for instance, determine whether you move a given workload to the cloud, or leave it running, unchanged, in your on-premises data center. But to help an application benefit from auto-scaling, you have to profile it, then cause resources to be allocated and de-allocated to match the peaks and valleys. And you have some calculations to make, because cloud providers charge you more for spot resources – those you grab and let go of, as needed – than for persistent resources that you keep running for a long time. Spot resources may cost two or three times as much as dedicated ones. The first step, as you might have guessed, is to optimize your application, as in the previous sections. Auto-scaling is a price/performance optimization, and a potentially resource-intensive one. You should do other optimizations first. Then profile your optimized application. You need to calculate ongoing and peak memory and processor usage, figure out how long you need each, and the resource needs and cost for each state. And then decide whether it’s worth auto-scaling the job, whenever it runs, and how to do that. You may also need to find quiet times on a cluster to run some jobs, so the job’s peaks don’t overwhelm the cluster’s resources. To help, Databricks has two types of clusters, and the second type works well with auto-scaling. Most jobs start out in an interactive cluster, which is like an on-premises cluster; multiple people use a set a shared resources. It is, by definition, very difficult to avoid seriously underusing the capacity of an interactive cluster. So you are meant to move each of your repeated, resource-intensive, and well-understood jobs off to its own, dedicated, job-specific cluster. A job-specific cluster spins up, runs its job, and spins down. This is a form of auto-scaling already, and you can also scale the cluster’s resources to match job peaks, if appropriate. But note that you want your application profiled and optimized before moving it to a jobspecific cluster. ==> Challenge10. How do I get insights into jobs that have problems? Just as it’s hard to fix an individual Spark job, there’s no easy way to know where to look for problems across a Spark cluster. And once you do find a problem, there’s very little guidance on how to fix it. Is the problem with the job itself, or the environment it’s running in? For instance, over-allocating memory or CPUs for some Spark jobs can starve others. In the cloud, the noisy neighbors problem can slow down a Spark job run to the extent that it causes business problems on one outing – but leaves the same job to finish in good time on the next run. The better you handle the other challenges listed in this post, the fewer problems you’ll have, but it’s still very hard to know how to most productively spend Spark operations time. For instance, a slow Spark job on one run may be worth fixing in its own right, and may be warning you of crashes on future runs. But it’s very hard just to see what the trend is for a Spark job in performance, let alone to get some idea of what the job is accomplishing vs. its resource use and average time to complete. So Spark troubleshooting ends up being reactive, with all too many furry, blind little heads popping up for operators to play Whack-a-Mole with. IMPACTS OF THESE CHALLENGES If you meet the above challenges effectively, you’ll use your resources efficiently and cost-effectively. What we tend to see most are the following problems – at a job level, within a cluster, or across all clusters: •Under-allocation. It can be tricky to allocate your resources efficiently on your cluster, partition your datasets effectively, and determine the right level of resources for each job. If you underallocate (either for a job’s driver or the executors), a job is likely to run too slowly, or to crash. As a result, many developers and operators resort to… •Over-allocation. If you assign too many resources to your job, you’re wasting resources (on-premises) or money (cloud). We hear about jobs that need, for example, 2GB of memory, but are allocated much more – in one case, 85GB.

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